Sedimentation, Decantation and Filtration

Sedimentation, Decantation and Filtration

The process of separating of insoluble solids from liquid in its solution is done by sedimentation, decantation and filtration. These are interrelated processes.

The heavier insoluble particles are allowed to settle down at the bottom of container. It is called sediment. The pouring of liquid part without disturbing the sediment is called decantation. The process by which very fine insoluble components are removed using filter/ filter paper is called filtration.


(i) The process of separating of insoluble solids from liquid in its solution is done by

(a) decantation             (b) sedimentation           (c) filtration         (d) All of these

(ii) What is the term used to the heavier solid particles settled at the bottom of container?

(a) filtrate                 (b) sediment         (c) floating material         (d) condensate

(iii) The process by which very fine insoluble components are removed using filter paper is called as?

(a) condensation          (b) filtration           (c) decantation       (d) sedimentation

(iv) How the mixture of sand and water can be separated?

(a) sedimentation          (b) decantation      (c) Both sedimentation and decantation       (d) filtration

(v) Write the correct response against these statements.

1.  The pouring of liquid part without disturbing the sediment is called decantation.YesNo
2.Among sedimentation, decantation and filtration, filtration is best.YesNo


(i) (d) All of these

(ii) (b) sediment

(iii) (b) filtration  

(iv) (c) Both sedimentation and decantation  

(v) 1. Yes 2. Yes

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