Model specimen showing symbiotic association in root nodules of leguminous plants, Cuscuta on host and Lichens

AIM– Model specimen showing symbiotic association in root nodules of leguminous plants, Cuscuta on host and Lichens

Requirements– Root nodules of Touch-me-not plant/Pea/Gram, Twig of plant on which Dodder (Cuscuta) and Lichens

Principle-The leguminous plants have symbiotic association of Rhizobium bacteria in their root nodules for nitrogen fixation from atmosphere. Dodder or Amarbel or Cuscuta is a parasitic plant on higher plants. Lichens are symbiotic association of Algae and Fungi.

Salient Features

1. Root nodules of leguminous plants

-Root nodules of leguminous plants have presence of Rhizobium bacteria.

– Nitrogen is fixed in form of nitrates and nitrites.

-Leguminous plants produce a red-pigment and oxygen carrying protein in their root-nodules.

2. Dodder or Amarbel or Cuscuta

-It’s a parasitic plant found on other plants.

-Cuscuta take nutrients and water through their special roots called ‘haustoria’ by penetrating the host plant.

-Cuscuta does not have its own chlorophylls.

3. Lichens

-Symbiotic association between algae and fungi.

-Primary vegetation in temperate regions.

-Found in pollution free areas. So, acts as an indicator of air pollution.

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