Common disease causing organisms like Ascaries, Entamoeba, Plasmodium, Any fungus causing ring worm through permanent slides, models, virtual images or specimens. Comment on symptoms of diseases that they cause.

9. Aim- Common disease causing organisms like Ascaries, Entamoeba, Plasmodium, Any fungus causing ring worm through permanent slides, models, virtual images or specimens. Comment on symptoms of diseases that they cause.

1. Ascaries lumbricoides This is a large parasitic worm that causes ascariasis in humans. A roundworm of genus Ascaris. This is the most common parasitic worm in humans. Ascaris lumbricoides infects humans and called commonly as roundworm.Ascaris suum infects pigs and commonly called as pig roundworm.

Symptoms of Ascariasis

(i) Infected person can be asymptomatic and later on show malnutrition and poor growth.                                                                                                              

(ii) Abdominal discomfort, swelling, nausea, cramping and vomiting.

(iii) Fever and loss of appetite. 

(iv) Coughing and wheezing. 

(v) Passing of round worms and their eggs in their stool.

2. Entamoeba histolyticaThis is a protozoa which moves by pseudopodium. This is a parasite that causes amoebiasis disease in humans.                                      

Symptoms of Amoebiasis

(i) Stomach Pain

(ii) Discharge of stool with blood

(iii) Fever

(iv) Diarrhoea

(v) Sometimes infect liver, lungs and brain

3. Plasmodium vivexPlasmodiumis a unicellular eukaryote obligate parasite of vertebrates and insects. The life cycle plasmodium involves development in a blood-feeding insect host which then injects parasites into a vertebrate host during a blood. Plasmodium grows within a vertebrate body tissue (the liver) before entering the bloodstream to infect red blood cells. The destruction of host red blood cells can result in malaria.

Symptoms of Malaria

(i) Severe chill and fever

(ii) Abdominal pain

(iii) Headache, nausea and vomiting

(iv) Coughing

(v) Malarial fever has ‘hot’, ‘wet’, and ‘cold’ phases and appears 10 to 15 days after the mosquito bites.

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