Class VII Science


Living organisms have a limited lifespan. Unless they are not going to form new organism, they will finish. Their continuity of life will be lost. So, fertile organisms form new organism of same kind either by self or by the help of other individual of same species. The process of formation of similar types of organisms by existing organism is called reproduction.
There are two types of reproductions-
(a) Asexual Reproduction – New organism is formed by single parent. It is common in plants and animals.
(b) Sexual Reproduction- New organism is formed by two parents. It is common in plants and animals.

REPRODUCTION IN PANTS Class 7 Chapter 12 Read More »

M.C.Qs. NUTRITION IN PLANTS Part -II Class VII Chapter 1

MCQs Select the best correct option among the following. Flowering and Non-flowering Plants         1. Amarbel is an example of (a)Autotroph   (b)Parasite (c) Saprotroph    (d) Host 2. The plant which traps and feeds on insects is- (a)Cuscuta   (b) China rose (c) Pitcher plant    (d) Rose 3. Which part of the plant

M.C.Qs. NUTRITION IN PLANTS Part -II Class VII Chapter 1 Read More »


LEARNING OBJECTIVES– Knowledge of acids and bases, Knowledge of natural and synthetic acid base indicators, Demonstration of  working of indicators, Understanding of neutralization reactions and salt formation, Applications of neutralization reaction in everyday life. ACIDS–(Gr. Acere= sour) -The taste of acids is sour.  They turn the blue litmus paper into red. Their pH (Potential of

ACIDS, BASES AND SALTS Class VII Chapter 5 Read More »

HEAT Class- VII Chapter 4 C.B.S.E.

LEARNING OBJECTIVES- Knowledge of heat, temperature, thermometer and reading of temperature on thermometer, Differences between clinical and laboratory thermometers, Methods of transfer of heat – conduction convection and radiation, Understanding why woolen clothes are preferred in winter?, Understanding why white or light coloured cotton clothes are weared in summer?, why the base of utensils are

HEAT Class- VII Chapter 4 C.B.S.E. Read More »

PISA,C.C.T. Questions On Plastic and Plastic Pollution

Plastic is a boon as well as a curse. It all depends how and for what purpose the plastic materials are used. Plastic is non-reactive to chemicals like acid, base and salts. Plastic is lightweight and cost-effective. It is very strong and insulator of heat and current. The raw material for preparing plastic is petrochemicals.

PISA,C.C.T. Questions On Plastic and Plastic Pollution Read More »